MSS is rare, but there is strength in numbers! We strive to provide support and connection for families online and through organized meetups.
MSS-USA hosts formal advisory boards to assure equity and perspective in our research efforts. Our partnership with the National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) will open new doors for researching MSS.
We foster advocacy by sharing stories of our journeys, formally gathering information that will provide better understanding and increase awareness of MSS.
Your generous donation can help us fund our mission to improve the lives of children and adults living with Marshall-Smith Syndrome through family support, research, and advocacy.
MSS-USA is 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity. For additional information, please refer to our "Support MSS-USA" page.
Show your support for people with MSS by representing official merchandise.
100% of profits are used to support our goals and fund our mission.
Marshall-Smith Syndrome Organization of the USA